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Trapped by a Sash Window: A Customer’s Story

There are amazing stories collected from our customers about their experiences with sash windows. Some are charming, others frustrating, and some can even send chills down the spine.

Just a little while ago, one of our customers told us something that really lodged itself in our memories, and we decided it was definitely worth sharing.

An Unexpected Disaster

Having just moved to London, she was all excited about owning an old house and all the character and charm that goes with it. Like most older homes, hers had beautiful traditional sash windows, which she absolutely loved.

On one particular day, during her usual routine, she decided to open one of the sash windows for fresh air. But as she pushed it up, she heard a loud snap. Before she could react, the window came crashing down on her wrist, pinning her in place.

She told us how panic had otherwise set in—she couldn’t move, and due to the weight of the sash, was unable to extricate herself.

“The pain was terrible, and I began to wonder if I was going to be stuck for a long time.”

A Stroke of Luck

Fortunately, fate was on her side. At that very moment, a man was walking past her house. Desperate for help, she called out to him, hoping he would hear her. And thankfully, he did.

She recalled the relief when she realised that her front door wasn’t locked. The passerby was able to enter the house and quickly make his way upstairs to lift the window and free her hand.

Learning the Hard Way

She was shaken but knew it could have been much worse. After the incident, she shared the story with her father, and together they decided to replace all the sash cords in the house to ensure that this never happened again.

She laughed and told us how they spent days working on the windows together—what began as a stressful incident ended up being a bonding experience. She learned a lot about how sash windows worked, and more importantly, their role in regular window maintenance.

A Reminder for Every Homeowner

Her story is a great reminder that while sash windows are a stunning feature in older homes, they do require upkeep. Over time, sash cords wear out and weaken, and if they snap, they can cause more than just an inconvenience—they can become a real safety hazard.

If you haven’t checked your sash cords in a while, consider this your sign to act!

And if you’re not too sure how to go about it, you know that we’re always happy to help.

Don’t wait for an accident—keep your windows safe and functional before something like this happens to you!

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